Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA)

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ACCA Board Updates

The ACCA Board of Directors held its regular meeting via Zoom conference call on Friday, March 27. Much of the discussion centred around COVID-19 and the impacts to ACCA and its members. 

ACCA Board officially postpones AGM indefinitely 

The AGM scheduled to take place May 27, 2020, in Red Deer has been postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Although this meeting was to take place several weeks away, the Board agreed to delay the meeting indefinitely out of an abundance of caution. ACCA is determining whether to hold the AGM at a later date, hold the meeting virtually, or cancel the meeting altogether based on recommendations from the provincial government as the pandemic situation evolves. 

ACCA continues to evaluate 2020 Co-operative Youth Leadership Program 

The ACCA Board received a presentation from staff outlining potential scenarios regarding delivery of the 2020 Co-operative Youth Leadership Program depending on how the COVID-19 outbreak evolves over the next few weeks. This includes hosting with reduced capacity or cancelling the program for 2020. Other alternatives are also being explored, including the potential to offer virtual courses through the program. Final decisions regarding the program will be made in coming weeks. 

ACCA and BCCA discuss collaboration 

The ACCA and BCCA Board of Directors met virtually on March 27 to discuss opportunities to collaborate on programs and share resources. With both organizations having small staff contingents, both Boards agreed that there could be synergies in working together and will be exploring the opportunities in coming months. 

2020 Gathering and MLA Reception 

ACCA will continue planning for the 2020 Gathering and MLA Reception, but acknowledges there could still be uncertainty regarding public gatherings even into the fall. Watch for updates on our website, on our social media channels, and in upcoming editions of the ACCA newsletter.