Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA)

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Matters that Matter: Advocating for Affordable Housing

In light of the ongoing housing crisis that has deeply affected the lives of countless Albertans, let's take a moment to reflect on the pressing significance of this issue and chart a path toward decisive steps for its resolution.

Supporting Co-op Housing Expansion

With its affordability, community focus, and proven track record in Alberta, co-operative housing emerges as a valuable solution. The need persists for increased financial support, streamlined regulations, and collaborative efforts to enhance the availability of co-operative housing. These endeavours should include the potential for grants, low-interest loans, regulatory reforms, and partnerships with non-profit organizations and private developers. For more comprehensive information and ongoing discussions regarding the co-op housing model, Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) serves as an invaluable resource.

A Unified Call for Action

We extend our appreciation for the continued commitment of our member, the Northern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association (NACHA) and Southern Housing Co-operative Housing Association in supporting accessible, sustainable housing solutions for Albertans throughout the province. The need for affordable housing transcends partisan politics; it is a fundamental right and an integral component of a thriving society.

Rental Assistance for Low-Income Households

Recognizing the pivotal role of rental assistance programs in averting homelessness and establishing a safety net for low-income families underscores the importance of strengthening and expanding these programs. It is a commitment to ensuring that vulnerable individuals and households have access to stable and affordable housing without hesitation.

A Shared Challenge

The housing crisis is a shared challenge that demands a unified response. Support increased investment in affordable housing, particularly co-operative housing, and strengthen rental assistance programs for low-income households. Together, we can make affordable housing a reality for all Albertans, providing them with the stability and dignity they deserve.

Looking for More?

Check out these recent posts about co-op housing:
Four Ways to Build Co-op Housing
Housing Co-operative information session
“A sustainable and inclusive solution”: Co-op housing in the news