Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA)

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What challenges are you facing with the COVID-19 outbreak?

Along with the BC Co-operative Association, ACCA is looking for ways we can support our members through the COVID-19 pandemic. We have had some members reach out to us for support on some issues, but we fear many of you may be trying to cope with a constantly changing environment and haven't even had a moment to even think of what support you may need. 

While we may have limited capacity and resources to provide support directly, we can help facilitate discussions and create connections for our members with subject-matter experts who may be able to help and answer your questions.    

To help us gather resources, please identify which of the following topics are key areas in which you need support or more information. 

  • Employment insurance - how to manage employees self-quarantining from out-of-country travel; self-quarantining due to illness; temporary layoffs 

  • Insurance - what's covered and what's not 

  • Financial support including access (or lack of access) to government funding, other resources 

  • Legal implications of COVID (this can include Board governance issues, etc.) 

  • Support for staff working from home, including access to technology, best practices 

  • Health and safety support for frontline staff in key businesses 

  • Re-tooling your business plan/model to address challenges and take advantage of opportunities (e.g., shifting to on-line or new markets, or reduced production etc. 

  • Other concerns/challenges not identified above. 

Share with us your top-of-mind concerns and, once we have your feedback, we will connect with subject-matter experts and resources and set up a series of interactive webinars to explore discuss topics.  Where possible, we will record the webinars and post them on our website for ease of access, along with other supporting information that may be useful to you.  

Know any experts who can help? Or are you one yourself? If your co-operative or you personally know of any subject matter experts on the above topics, please do let us know.