February 2022 Government Relations Update

Government Relations Plan Approved

At the last meeting of ACCA’s Government and Stakeholder Relations Committee, they unanimously approved an updated government relations plan, led by Cole Kander, Manager of Government and Stakeholder Relations. This plan is which is focused on raising awareness with our elected officials regarding ACCA and co-operatives as a whole, and advocating for the specific legislative actions approved by ACCA members at the last Annual General Meeting.

Meeting with MLAs

The main thrust of the plan is to simply meet with as many of our MLAs as possible. The best way to do that is if we can get an ACCA member from each provincial riding to join Cole in the meeting. MLAs are much more likely to accept a meeting if there is a constituent of theirs in the meeting. We plan on activating our extensive grassroots capability and getting as many of our members involved in this process as possible. If you would like to be part of this initiative, please e-mail governmentrelations@acca.coop and Cole will schedule a time when you both can meet with your local MLA. We need someone who either lives or is part of a co-operative in each of the 87 ridings in Alberta to make this work. Please reach out if you want to help promote co-operatives in Alberta.

Overview of recent GR activities

  • In early February we met with Edmonton City Councillor Michael Janz in regards to working with the city to make co-operative housing a viable option for affordable housing. Councillor Janz was very supportive of this idea and has requested ACCA write a letter to the Mayor and Councillors to request the opportunity to present to Council.

  • Our co-operative focused law firm, Elliot Bridgewater, raised serious concerns regarding the potential regulation changes that Service Alberta was proposing during its consultations. Within 48 hours of this issue being raised, ACCA had a meeting with the representative in charge of the consultations, who ensured us that co-operatives will continue to maintain the regulations that make co-operatives unique. We are very happy to hear that Minister Glubish and Service Alberta has heard our concerns and will be making some positive changes for co-operatives.

  • We have written two letters to both the Minister of Red Tape Reduction and the Minister of Rural Economic Development regarding changes to the securities regulations. These changes would increase the ability for new co-operatives to start up, save local businesses from closing, and to increase investment here in Alberta. Both ministries have communicated that they are working on a response for us.