Premier Danielle Smith Joins 2023 ACCA Conference: Celebrating Co-ops in Alberta
[Edmonton, Oct 17] — The Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA) is thrilled to announce that Premier Danielle Smith will be a distinguished guest at the 2023 ACCA Co-operative Conference. Premier Smith will address attendees during the evening reception, adding prestige to this pivotal event.
The ACCA Co-operative Conference is an annual gathering that unites co-operators, allies, and industry leaders. It provides a platform for meaningful discussions about current and future trends within the co-operative movement, all while fostering valuable connections and innovative solutions.
Vicki Zinyk, ACCA's Board Chair, thanks Premier Smith and other elected officials for their commitment to attending the conference. She emphasizes the honour of their presence, noting, "We are honoured that Premier Smith and other elected officials are joining us to celebrate the co-operative sector and its contributions to Alberta."
Corinne Remple, Executive Director of ACCA, underscores the importance of co-operatives, stating, "Co-operatives are a vital policy solution for building a resilient Alberta economy. They encourage investment within the province and help diversify its economy. And, we are excited about the opportunity to share their value firsthand with the Premier and MLAs in attendance."
Premier Smith's remarks will be featured during the Elected Officials Reception and Co-op Awards. To register for the evening reception, please use this link. Please note, doors open at 6:45 pm.
The ACCA Co-operative Conference, sponsored by Calgary Co-op, is scheduled for November 6-8, 2023, at the Matrix Hotel in Edmonton. For details about the ACCA Co-operative Conference and to register for the conference, please visit
Premier Danielle Smith Joins 2023 ACCA Co-operative Conference.