Building a Stronger Co-operative Future in Alberta | ACCA’s Vision for 2025
As we take our first steps into 2025, it is great to take a moment to sit with where we are, where are going and where we’ve been.
Our commitment to supporting our members and the co-operative sector in Alberta is not simply the foundation to ACCA’s existence. It is essential for the sustainability and scale of our local co-operative network. As a true definition of “local”, I believe many are pausing to wonder if there has been a better time to use our voices, to strengthen our sector and to shape our co-operative future together. The challenges we face continue to create opportunities for growth and our association, like many others, continues to evolve to meet changing needs.
This year, we look to build even stronger relationships as we blaze a trail of co-operative spirit around Alberta. Our Connection tour, with events planned around the province, supports our purpose and vision by bringing co-operatives of all sizes and industry together. These events will create opportunities to build a stronger co-operative network, raising awareness and facilitating relationship building to anchor co-operation amongst co-operatives. I look forward to seeing our team bring them to life. Of course, I am excited to see you at our 2025 Alberta Co-operative Conference, which will be another opportunity for us all to come together to learn, share and build on our network!
Speaking of building networks, I am proud of the relationships we continue to build with other provincial co-operative associations. Together, we are learning from one another, collaborating, and creating opportunities to share our strengths – all with the shared goal of better serving our members and a thriving sector. In addition to this, I congratulate Michael Toye on his appointment as Executive Director at Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada and look forward to building momentum and strength across our Canadian apex organizations.
As we make our way through 2025, I know a few things for certain. There is power in association and I’m glad you’re here. It is through participation and building stronger relationships, amongst ourselves and with government, that we can build strength and meet the ever changing needs of our members and communities. I know our amazing team is up to the task and our board is grateful for their expertise and dedication to our members and future!