Let Us Help You Host an Intern!

In September 2018, ACCA were awarded federal funding to run a new Career Focus Internship Program. The program helps cooperatives attract skilled youth who have recently completed their post-secondary education. We have 5 spaces left in the program, meaning we can help you find and place an intern in your organization for a 16-week internship.

How It Works:

  • We collaborate with you to create an internship position based on business needs.

  • We advertise and interview program applicants.

  • Your organization manages the intern for the 16 week period.

  • Your organization sets and pays an hourly salary.

  • ACCA reimburses your organization each month up to the Alberta Minimum Wage

To learn more pease visit our Career Focus Program page; or to apply or ask a question, please email Dianne Fortin, Project Coordinator at dfortin@acca.coop