Paths for Housing Co-operatives: Guide and Resources Now Available

Developing housing that considers affordability, attainable homeownership, and building great communities is no easy task. Add economic uncertainty and significant changes in consumer behaviour and investing in new models becomes much riskier. Housing co-operative solutions have been successful, but too often are limited by their reliance on government subsidies and the capacity of volunteer boards. Through our research, we have developed an array of resources that will help you and your co-op be successful. The Development Tool Guidebook enables you to:

• Select your housing co-op type

• Understand relevant themes for your housing co-op

• Select strategies to implement the themes

• Understand and select a financial strategy that meets your needs

Combined, these resources can help you develop and operate successful multiunit co-op housing, by providing details on what themes are required for an effective co-op, strategies to implement them, and financial strategies to meet the financial goals of your housing co-op. we have developed a set of themes which, through our research, we believe should be implemented into all housing co-ops. Each of these themes have corresponding strategies to accomplish them, which differ depending on the type of housing co-op you have. Regardless of your background, if you are involved in the development or operation of a housing co-op, these resources are meant to help you achieve maximum success. If you are developing a new housing co-op, aim to achieve all these themes right at the start of operations to ensure you have a strong foundation for your co-op going forward. If you are operating an existing housing co-op, aim to see these themes implemented in your co-op to be more sustainable and effective. These tools will be of particular interest to funders and investors interested in housing co-ops; developers of a new housing co-op, and stakeholders of an existing housing co-op.

To access these free resources, please click here