Community Generation Power Up!

On Thursday, March 5, 2020, 40 community generation proponents gathered in Cochrane to share their progress, discuss strategy, and connect with experts from the renewable energy sector to advance their projects. This included projects located in Cochrane, three projects from Calgary, Longview, Canmore, Pincher Creek, the Western Irrigation District, and the Peavine Metis Settlement.

The day started with a presentation from Jennifer Traichel, Senior Consultant at Peters Energy Solutions, to identify the challenges and opportunities in this emerging sector.  Solar experts from Green Cat Renewables, CVE Solar, and Skyfire Energy then spent the day providing hands-on assistance to project proponents.  Along with the technical experts, Elliot Bridgewater from Bridegwater Law was on hand to provide insight on legal structure and risk assessment. Ian Glassford, former chief financial officer from Servus Credit Union, answered questions offered solutions regarding financial structures and strategy. Devin LaFleche, Municipal Energy Manager at the Town of Cochrane (and recently the project lead for the Cochrane On-Demand Local Transit), explained the role of land-use and municipal partnerships to advance renewable energy projects. Robert Henry from Peters Energy Solutions offered up insight on interconnection and project feasibility.

This group was also joined by nine students and two teachers from the Cochrane High Sustainable Development Club. The students not only provided live-streaming services, but also presented on their own solar project, providing an example of how to effectively engage their community and raise funds for a large infrastructure project.

The event was facilitated by Avnish Metha, principal at Stand and Command. Along with designing the program for the day and leading the participants through it, he also delivered a closing session on building a community of community generators.

This project was made possible by funding from Energy Efficiency Alberta

Couldn’t attend? Check out the presentations:

ACCA, ComGenGuest User